Paramount Shift Programs for Teams
Coping Strategies For Anxiety In Young Adults

Coping with anxiety in young adults involves a combination of strategies that address both the immediate symptoms and the underlying causes. It's important to remind young adults that it's okay to seek help and that they're not alone in their struggles with anxiety. Encourage them to be patient with themselves as they work on implementing coping strategies and seeking support.

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Asthma Treatment
The Hidden Root Cause & Spiritual Meaning Of Asthma Treatment

By addressing unresolved childhood experiences or traumas, individuals may be able to alleviate or manage their asthma symptoms more effectively. Techniques such as therapy, inner child work, or alternative healing methods can help individuals heal the wounds of their past, leading to improved respiratory health.

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Overcome money blocks
What About Money?

Did you know that most people who win the lottery lose all their money in a year or two? Why? Money blocks. However, these can easily be overcome - when you know how. I love helping people achieve freedom from the patterns that limit their income or create financial struggles. Read on. I explain the reason for money blocks and how they affect all our lives.

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PCOS - Root Cause Spiritual & Emotional Meaning
PCOS – Root Cause, Spiritual & Emotional Meaning

Recognizing that PCOS could be accompanied by emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, I’m committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment through the most effective way - what I call the “Whole Approach Healing” to address these imbalances. Through a combination of therapies, healing modalities, including counseling, mindfulness practices, Rapid transformational therapy, Access Consciousness Bars & Clearing, Emotional Code Clearing, Energy Healing, Qigong and so much more. My aim is to empower individuals to overcome emotional obstacles and support them to live a true life of expression whatever it takes.

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The Secret Millionaire’s Vow For Riches

"The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy." I now take the millionaire’s vow for riches. I recognize that there are infinite treasures in the cosmic cornucopia of riches and abundance...

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How Is My Day Going To Be Today?
How Is My Day Going To Be Today?

The words following I Am follows you. I am enough exactly as I am. I am peaceful. I am beautiful. I am balanced.I am confident. I am lovable. I am worthy of love and I am loving... 

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Do With My Life
I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life. I’m...

It’s a self against self universe - everything is based on free will. It’s all up to the self. So everything is created by the self. If you learn the access, it could be easy to change your life. Read more to get your access NOW!

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How Can We Maintain Mental Health And Become Mentally Strong?

Fear of rejection is the main cause of many mental health issues. Read more to learn how you can deal with rejection effectively. But most importantly, learn about how you can shift your entire reality and your life to a whole new level - the one thing that changes everything for you.

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How Do I Relieve Anxiety And Headaches?

When you're experiencing a lot of uncertainty in life it's easy to feel unsettled. We humans need certainty in order to feel safe and to cope with any present suffering. Here are some suggestions to help you learn how you can create certainty for yourself to calm your anxiety and headaches/overthinking.

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A Declaration That Can Activate Your DNA

Be aware! Miracles happen when parents and children read this out loud often! Guaranteed way more effective than endless hardworking.

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